
Hotel Odense og Odense Congress Center

4 of 5 Stars

At Odense Congress Center, the answer to all your meeting needs is gathered under one roof - close to both the high way and Odense city centre. OCC has the premises, the food and the tableware for everything from the big conference to the small meeting.

Just a few minutes from the E20 and 15 minutes from Odense Central Station you will find one of Denmark's best and most flexible meeting places. No matter how many of you there are and what your wishes are for premises, equipment, food, etc., Odense Congress Center has the perfect solution. And with 1,900 free parking spaces, transportation could not be easier.

With 26 meeting rooms, 3 large halls and 3 exhibition halls - all with modern AV - you are always guaranteed a tailor-made setting for your particular meeting or conference. In addition, you have direct access to cosy areas with coffee stations, high tables and sofa areas for your breaks.



With 200,000 inhabitants, Odense is the largest city on Funen. The city offers many exciting attractions for both children and adults. Experience the atmosphere of the old town that is currently being 'reunited' with the rest of the city center in Th.B. The Thriges Street project, which is expected to be completed by 2020. The old town is also where you find H.C. Andersen Museum, H.C. Andersen's birthplace, the children's culture house Fyrtøy and the town museum Møntergården.

In Odense, about 40% of the hotel rooms are marked with either the Swan or Green Key.