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Experience a green spot

Hotel Limfjorden

Hotel Limfjorden

Simons Bakke 39 ,7700 Aalbor…

Montra Odder Parkhotel

Montra Odder Parkhotel

Torvald Køhlsvej 25 ,8300 Centra…

In Odder you find a cozy hotel with great rooms and a brilliant restaurant at Odder Parkhotel. Having a home in Odder you can use …

Gamle Scene

Gamle Scene

August Bournonvilles Passage 8, ,1055 Copenh…

Hotel Årslev Kro

Hotel Årslev Kro

Silkeborgvej 900 ,8220 Centra…

CabInn Esbjerg

CabInn Esbjerg

Skolegade 14 ,6700 West J…

Comwell Holte

Comwell Holte


Kongevejen 495 ,2840 North…

Comwell Holte hotel is located in the beautiful surroundings of Vaserne and Rude Forest in North Zealand - only 15 minutes drive f…

Skovshoved Hotel

Skovshoved Hotel


Strandvejen 267 ,2920 Copenh…

Skovshoved Hotel is a small hotel with 22 rooms on Strandvejen just north of Copenhagen. The hotel is a family run boutique hotel.

Hotel Søparken

Hotel Søparken

Søparken 1 ,9440 Aalbor…

Sonnerupgaard Gods

Sonnerupgaard Gods

Tølløsevej 53 ,4330 West-…


Sonnerupgaard Gods is located in the middle of Skjoldungernes Land National Park only 50 minutes from Copenhagen. The …

Nørre Vosborg

Nørre Vosborg

Vembvej 35 ,7570 Centra…

Nørre Vosborg

The manor of Nørre Vosborg is situated in the Western part of Jutland - 20 km West of Holstebro. The manor is a livin…